Finding common ground: Putting your children first

Put your children first.

“Although our relationship has changed, our children’s needs have not. How will we be successful parents?”

Children need:

  • Structure and consistency in their day-to-day lives.
  • To be shielded from adult feelings, decisions and issues.
  • Ability to love each parent without feeling guilty or disloyal.
  • The opportunity to enjoy special occasions, accomplishment and events without being encumbered by parental tension.

What can you do?

  • Identify common values, hopes and goals for children now and in the future.
  • Think through what you want your future parenting relationship to look like?
  • Ask yourself when your children look back on this event what will make them proud about how you handled your separation and divorce?
  • When difference arise seek common ground and if necessary be willing to agree to disagree.

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