Welcome to divorce and children, I’m Christina McGhee and I’m glad you’re here.
I understand that finding the right resources at the right time can be confusing, stressful and overwhelming. There are a wealth of options out there and it can be tough to figure out which is the right choice for you.
To help you get what you need when you need it, this page provides an overview and is a great place to start. BTW - if you have any questions you can always reach out to our team and we will be happy to help you out.

If you’re struggling with a challenging co-parenting issue, feeling unsure about what to do next, worried about how to tell your kids or want specific guidance regarding your situation, one-on-one coaching is a good option for you.
Currently, I maintain a select coaching practice that offers ongoing coaching and strategy sessions.

I realize how financially taxing divorce can be and that private coaching may not be in every parent’s budget. Because I don’t want good parents to be priced out of helpful information and support, I created Co-Parenting With Purpose.
It’s an affordable option that provides you access to practical information, easy step-by-step strategies and tons of resources that you can start using right away.
If you’re interested in taking advantage of my years of experience but don’t have the time or money to invest in coaching right now, this program is the next best thing.

PARENTING APART: How to help separated and divorced parents raise happy and secure kids offers you quick and easy access to the information you need to tackle tough co-parenting problems. Instead of reading it cover to cover, this book was designed to be “parent-friendly” and gives you the freedom to pick where you want to start.
If you’re a parent who is looking for information on how to get started or want to know what to expect down the road, this book is for you.

In addition to coaching and training, I also serve as the Education and Training Director for The SPLIT Outreach Project which creates documentary films about divorce for children, teens, and their families.
The beauty of these groundbreaking films is that they let kids know they’re not alone, normalize the many feelings children and teens experience while providing the reassuring message that it’s okay to talk about divorce. For parents, these films offer an unfiltered glimpse of what divorce really feels like for kids, not just in the immediate moment but for years to come.
If you’ve ever wondered how your kids really feel about divorce these films are incredibly insightful. Get a better idea of how you can use them, what they’re about, and how they can help you by clicking the link below.