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on your Podcast or Television Show!

For the Media
Christina McGhee is a “media savvy” divorce-parenting expert whose practical advice has been highlighted online, and in print. Over the years, she has been featured on television, radio, podcasts, tele-summits and webinars. Some of the places you may have seen her are, Today Parents, Parenting Magazine, The Times, Channel 4, the BBC, NYU Doctor Radio, The Divorce and Beyond podcast, The Divorce Survival Guide podcast and The Dr. Laura Berman Radio Show on the Oprah Network just to name a few.
Christina is an informative and engaging guest who offers valuable insight and actionable tips for audiences and listeners in every interview. With over 25 years of experience, her information targets “real-life” challenges and providing practical solutions. As a zealous advocate for children, she does an excellent job of keeping the focus where it belongs… on kids.
Christina speaks on a wide range of topics from what to do in the beginning stages of separation to dealing with divorce related issues years down the road.
She also addresses tough topics like:
- Managing discipline differences.
- What to do when there’s no “co” in your co-parent.
- Handling high-conflict personalities.
- How to handle badmouthing and bashing.
- What to say when kids ask Why?
- Navigating added stressors such as parental addiction, infidelity, mental health issues, narcissism, and child-rejection.
- Options for neutralizing divorce drama after remarriage.
Sample Interviews
Need a guest or featured expert who can speak about co-parenting?

“Christina is my “go-to” resource for all things parenting.”
Susan Guthrie, Divorce and Beyond Podcast

About Christina
Christina McGhee, MSW, is an internationally recognized divorce parenting expert, speaker, and author.
While splitting up is undeniably hard, Christina believes divorce doesn't have to equal devastation for families. She feels with the right kind of information and support, parents can be a child's absolute best resource when families change.
Throughout her career, she has educated parents and professionals on how to minimize the impact of divorce on children. In her book, PARENTING APART: How separated and divorced parents can raise happy and secure kids, Christina offers parents valuable strategies for dealing with the "real-life" everyday challenges of co-parenting.
One of her core beliefs is that divorce doesn't make you a bad parent. It makes you a parent going through a bad time.
Because she is passionate about helping parents get through that bad time, Christina also maintains an active coaching practice that allows her to work with Moms and Dads all over the world.
Christina has also leveraged her broad range of experience to create the unique multidisciplinary Co-Parenting Specialist™ Training Program It teaches divorce professionals how to use a "child-centered" approach to engage with co-parents more effectively, deepen their understanding of how divorce impacts families, and use that knowledge to help co-parents craft better parenting plans and agreements.
Additionally, Christina offers customized trainings for family lawyers, collaborative professionals, divorce coaches, mental health professionals, and mediators designed to be interactive, engaging, and thought-provoking. Her programs focus on creating a comfortable space for practicing essential skills that maximize learning while providing strategies participants can use right away.
As a content creator of quality resources for separating families, she has contributed to several other media projects as a featured expert, a content consultant, and a writer/producer.
Christina serves as the Education and Training Director for the SPLIT Outreach Project, a non-profit organization that produced SPLIT: The EARLY Years and SPLIT UP: The TEEN Years. These two compelling films let kids know they're not alone while normalizing the many feelings and experiences children and teens encounter when parents part. The SPLIT documentaries also provide a powerful experience and a wealth of insight for separating parents and the professionals that work with them.
Over the years, she has been featured on television, radio, podcasts and in print around the US and abroad. A few places you may have seen her are TODAY Parents, the BBC, The Times and Parents Magazine.
When she's not busy restoring order to the universe, Christina spends her time taking in sunsets, searching for the perfect cup of coffee, and ordering more books than she can ever possibly read.
Social links
IG: @divorceandchildren
Facebook: @divorceandchildren
Linkedin: @christinamcghee