What is Parent Coordination?

Parent coordination

Q – I’m dealing with a very conflictual Ex.  The judge has mentioned ordering us to work with a parent coordinator. What is Parent Coordination?A – Parent coordination is a relatively new professional role, which has emerged as an alternative resource for addressing high-conflict family situations. Instead of parents engaging in repeated litigation to resolve…

My child is acting like my co-parent, what do I do?

Q – I see some qualities in my son that remind me of my co-parent Even though I don’t mean to, when he starts acting like my co-parent,  I over-react.  I’m so worried that my son is going to turn out just like him. I know it is not fair and I should stop comparing…

I am divorcing an abusive spouse, what do I say to the children?

abusive spouse

Q – I am planning to ask my abusive spouse for a divorce. My children ( 8 and 10 yrs old) have witnessed his outbursts and as a result have experienced nightmares and anxiety.  What should I say when I am explaining why I am asking for the divorce? A – Telling children about your decision to divorce…

Co-Parent is sharing financial information with the kids

Q – My co-parent is sending messages through my kids about child support and putting them in the middle of adult financial issues. What should I do?  A –  When an co-parent puts kids in the middle of adult issues it can be beyond frustrating. Unfortunately when this happens, parents tend to either respond by trying to…

Middle Ground – Handling Discipline Differences Between Two Households

When discipline differences between divorced parents rear their ugly head, even the most amicable co-parents can begin to feel edgy and frustrated. Navigating issues such as what’s an appropriate bedtime for 5-year-old Rebecca, to at what age should Charlie get a cell phone can easily put parents at odds with one another. As a divorce…