How to Co-Parent With A Conflictual Parent
When you have to co-parent with someone who is dedicated to conflict, you can expect that just about everything related to co-parenting will be more difficult after your divorce. I hear it all the time. “Christina, how can I possibly co-parent with someone who isn’t willing to be cooperative or does everything they can to…
Read MoreWhy co-parents should stop using the words visit, visitation, and custody.
ARE YOU GUILTY OF USING THIS FIVE-LETTER WORD WITH YOUR KIDS? Ever have a word that as makes you cringe every single time you hear it? Yeah, me too. (Actually, TBH, I have several but let’s not go there…) Recently during one of my coaching calls, a divorced co-parent I was working with casually dropped…
Read More7 Ways You Might Be a KickAss Co-Parent and Not Even Know It.
Since Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin put “conscious uncoupling” into the limelight a few years ago, the face of coparenting has started to shift. As a society, we seem to be embracing a new way forward and lots of coparents (some famous, some not) are leading the charge. While I am a huge fan of…
Read MoreEasing Back and Forth Stress for Kids After Divorce
All the things your kids needed before the divorce, they will continue to need after you split up. How those needs get met, however, can be a real challenge when parents have different parenting styles, household structure, and rules. While it helps when parents can be on the same page about everyday routines, discipline, and…
Read MoreKeeping Kids Out of the Middle When Parents Divorce
Every day we tell our kids to stop. Stop arguing, stop being loud, stop touching each other… you know the drill. Just stop. And we expect them to do it. When parent split up kids have their own list of “stops” for us too. Stop fighting, stop being angry, stop saying mean things about each…
Read More8 Things Adult Children of Divorce Desperately Want You to Know
Dear parents with older children, We realize how easy it might be to assume that your choice to divorce won’t really affect us. After all, we’re older now, and those days of hands-on parenting are long gone. As young adults, you may think we can handle more or rationalize your situation… maybe even put ourselves…
Read MoreCoparenting and Discipline Handovers: Who Gets To Call The Shots?
Kids act up. Testing limits is just part of the package. Deciding what to do about your child’s momentary lapses in judgment is one of the challenges of being a parent. It gets even harder when you’ve laid down the law only to realize it’s Friday afternoon and it’s Dad’s weekend. While it would be…
Read More6 Things Children of Divorce Want From Their Parents This Holiday Season
Dear Mom and Dad, We know this divorce stuff isn’t easy and that you’re doing the best you can. When the holidays hit, life gets a little stressful for us. Here are a couple of things we’d like you to keep in mind this holiday season that would really help us out. Thank you.With love,…
Read MoreTips for Parenting Out of Two Homes
Encourage a two home concept.Children should feel they have a home with both Mom and Dad regardless of how much time is spent with either parent. Be supportive of both homes.Avoid judging or criticizing your child’s home with the other parent. Comparing the two homes or trying to find fault with one home only leaves…
Read MoreMy Ex is a slob and it’s driving me crazy
COPARENTING AFTER DIVORCE AND DEALING WITH DIFFERENCES INVOLVES KNOWING WHEN TO HOLD FIRM AND WHEN TO STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF. If you search the web looking for information on coparenting, chances are you’ll find quite a bit of chatter about how to manage big-ticket items. How do you break the news to your kids?…
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