The Conflict Connection: Figuring Out What Makes Your Difficult Co-parent Tick
Joe was at his wits end. Ever since his divorce he tried to do everything he could think of to get along with his co-parent, Maria. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried nothing worked. While they would go through periods where things were fine, it usually didn’t last for long. Eventually Maria…
Read MoreGet back to calm and carry on: helping kids transition between each parent’s household
As parents, we often glide through a multitude of changes without so much as batting an eye. After all, it comes with the territory. Lauren wakes up with a fever, so you adjust your schedule, make a couple of calls and work from home that day. Evan surprises you with a notice about baseball practice…
Read MoreI don’t want to!!! What to do when kids have a meltdown over seeing or talking to the other parent.
Your stomach starts knotting up and a sense of dread washes over you. You wonder to yourself, “How did it get to be that time again so soon?” Holding your breath, you enter the room desperately hoping that this time you can forego the whining, pleading, and fussing. “Here we go’” you think to yourself.…
Read MoreBypassing Battles with Your Co-Parent Over Parenting Styles
If your repeated requests to “nix the junk” are falling on deaf ears, it’s time to consider a new coparenting approach. From what time Jacob should go to bed to whether or not Haley should be allowed to go to a concert with her friends. What one parent sees as a perfectly acceptable parenting choice…
Read MoreWhat If I Am Really Bitter And Angry At My Co-Parent?
Q – What if I am really bitter and angry at my co-parent? I know I need to get over it but I just don’t know where to start. A – It’s been said that hanging on to bitterness and resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Keep in…
Read MoreDivorcing verbally abusive spouse. How do I talk about this with my child without saying Dad is a bad person?
Q – I am divorcing because my husband is verbally abusive and on occasion has become physical. I want to know the PERFECT way to tell my daughter WHY we are getting divorced without saying he is a bad person. I want to make sure she knows that the way he treats us is not…
Read MoreWhat is Parent Coordination?
Q – I’m dealing with a very conflictual Ex. The judge has mentioned ordering us to work with a parent coordinator. What is Parent Coordination?A – Parent coordination is a relatively new professional role, which has emerged as an alternative resource for addressing high-conflict family situations. Instead of parents engaging in repeated litigation to resolve…
Read MoreMy child is acting like my co-parent, what do I do?
Q – I see some qualities in my son that remind me of my co-parent Even though I don’t mean to, when he starts acting like my co-parent, I over-react. I’m so worried that my son is going to turn out just like him. I know it is not fair and I should stop comparing…
Read MoreI am divorcing an abusive spouse, what do I say to the children?
Q – I am planning to ask my abusive spouse for a divorce. My children ( 8 and 10 yrs old) have witnessed his outbursts and as a result have experienced nightmares and anxiety. What should I say when I am explaining why I am asking for the divorce? A – Telling children about your decision to divorce…
Read MoreCo-Parent is sharing financial information with the kids
Q – My co-parent is sending messages through my kids about child support and putting them in the middle of adult financial issues. What should I do? A – When an co-parent puts kids in the middle of adult issues it can be beyond frustrating. Unfortunately when this happens, parents tend to either respond by trying to…
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