Posts Tagged ‘children and divorce’

Helping children of divorce become resilient

Helping children of divorce become resilient

HELPING CHILDREN LEARN HOW TO COPE DOESN’T HAPPEN WHEN WE TRY TO FIX THEIR PROBLEMS. And yet, parents do it all the time. I personally happen to be a frequent offender in this department. Even though I teach my clients about this parenting strategy all the time, it’s amazing how often I still catch myself…

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Gift Giving Tips for Divorced Parents

Molly used to love Christmas but now she can’t wait for it to be over.  Ever since her parents split, the holidays have turned into a gift-giving battleground.  Now during the holidays all her parents seem to care about is how they can outdo each other.  While getting nice gifts initially was pretty cool, it…

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Adjustment Factors for Children of Divorce

children of divorce

There are many factors, which affect how children of divorce are able to cope. Some of those factors we can influence through our own actions, others we may have no control over. Researchers have estimated that the period of adjustment for families can range anywhere from one to three years, and sometimes even as long…

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Guidelines for Divorced Parents to Live by

The Do’s Do love your children as much as possible.Show them your love through words and actions. Do tell your children divorce is not their fault.Keep in mind, they’ll need to hear it more than once. Do reassure your children that they will be safe.Let your kids know that both parents will continue to provide…

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My co-parent is a slob and it’s driving me crazy

COPARENTING AFTER DIVORCE AND DEALING WITH DIFFERENCES INVOLVES KNOWING WHEN TO HOLD FIRM AND WHEN TO STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF. If you search the web looking for information on coparenting, chances are you’ll find quite a bit of chatter about how to manage big-ticket items. How do you break the news to your kids?…

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Will you make difference for kids of divorce?

It’s not often that I ask for help but this is so incredibly important that I felt moved to reach out in a very big way. Just about anyone who has ever met me knows I am absolutely passionate about helping separated and divorced parents raise happy, confident and successful kids.   Over the years,…

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