7 Tips for Keeping it Together at Work When Your Marriage is Falling Apart

We’ve all heard the sage advice when things aren’t going your way at work, “Don’t take it home with you.” However, what do you when the stresses and worries of your home life follow you to work each day? While a “leave it at the door” attitude sounds good in theory, creating that kind of…

My co-parent wife continues to break promises – how can I help my son?

Q – I have been divorced for a couple of years and tried to be supportive of my co-parent having a relationship with our son.  Even though I have made it easy for her to spend time with him,  my co-parent frequently doesn’t show up and rarely calls.  She is constantly making promises to our…

Should kids be around my new boyfriend?

Q – I am in the process of getting a divorce after a 2 1/2 month separation. I have met someone else and we have been seeing each other for about a month.  My Ex has a problem with it and says it’s too soon for the kids to be around someone I’m dating.  I…

Workbook for couples

In this fast paced, high tech world we live in, many couples are finding themselves facing new and different relationship challenges. For better or worse, we are breaking new ground.  Over the past decade, roles have changed, social media has infiltrated our lives and the dynamics of family life have clearly diversified. Unfortunately, instead of…

Understanding Parent Alienation and Divorce

What is Parent Alienation? Parent alienation is a dynamic where a child is significantly influenced by one parent (typically referred to the “favored” parent) to completely reject the other parent (often known as the “unfavored” parent). Children are literally placed in a situation where they must view one parent as all bad and one parent…